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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Project Life: January 16-22, 2012

Hello all and welcome to Week 3 (Jan. 16-22) of Project Life!
This week's post has a lot about our routines, and more pictures with me in them!  One of my New Year's Resolutions is to be in more it's looking good so far!
Left-hand side with lots of journaling about routine specifics, including the boys hanging out in Liam's crib in the mornings and making breakfasts and lunches for the next day at daycare.  I printed the date on the date card by running it through the printer.  I had said I wouldn't do this for most of the date cards, but I'm really liking the way it looks...leave it to me to like something that would take more time to do...
Right-hand side: (sorry for the slight blur)  Here's Jacob's 11 month old picture (I document his months until 1 year old, and every 6 months for Liam), a cut out from the Eggo Blueberry Waffles box (the boys' current favorite breakfast), and some pictures and journaling from our busy weekend...along with a personal favorite pic: my husband explaining to his Grammy how to do updates on her tablet so that she can play Words With Friends.  His Grammy is awesome!  She texts (with pictures!), and plays WWF with the family-she's the coolest!

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Leave me a comment if you have any questions (make sure to include your e-mail address!)

Project Life is a Becky Higgins' project for documenting your Everyday.  FInd out more information here.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Layout: Reflection

Hey everyone!  Quick scrapbook page post today of my little boys!
I loved the picture of my son Liam (left) so I replicated it for my second son Jacob when he was about the same age.  This scrapbook page is me explaining my process for getting a similar picture of them side-by-side, and how much they look alike.  Love my boys!
Thanks for stopping by!

We R Memory Keepers Comstock Collection: Sky (background paper)
We R Memory Keepers textured card stock (beige paper)
My Mind's Eye: Alphabet Soup (ruler)
American Crafts alphas
We R Memory Keepers Comstock Collection: Sky-back side (journaling circle and date tag)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Project Life: January 9-15, 2012

Hello!  Welcome to Week 2 of Project Life!
A colorful week this week!  This week includes 2 inserts: a customized one (more on that process below) to hold Liam's first bowling score print out, and an 8.5" x 11" one for my sister's dance concert program.
Here's a close up of the inserts; for the 8.5" x 11", I just use standard Avery brand inserts.  They're much cheaper than buying the scrapbook-brand 8.5" x 11" page protectors.  For anything that is a customized insert that fits with in the 8.5" x 11" size, I use the Avery protectors as well...I don't feel quite as bad cutting them up as I would a more expensive 12" x 12" protector.
Here's a close up of the stitching on the custom page protector.  I put the paper into the sleeve and nestle it into the corner next to the holes.  Then, I sew up the edge, about 1/4" from the paper.  I'm a very novice sewer, so my stitching isn't perfect, but I like that everything, regardless of it's size, is included in a protector.  I think it gives the entire album a feeling of continuity.
And the right-hand side: lots of journaling of everyday things, and a picture of Liam's first pair of bowling shoes (rental, of course).  How cute are those?!

Project Life is a Becky Higgins' project for documenting your Everyday.  FInd out more information here.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Project Life: January 1-8, 2012

Hello and welcome to the first Project Life post of 2012!  This week's post is from January 1-8, which is technically longer than a week, but I wanted all of 2012 together to start off with, so, on to some pictures!
First off: the whole spread.  (you may notice that my pages aren't in a's on it's way!  According to and UPS, it'll be here Friday (!!) and I'll put some information about what I look for in a great binder once I get some pictures of it )  I FINALLY got to break into my new 2012 Project Life box of goodies (more info. below) that I ordered from Amazon as soon as it was in stock.  Becky Higgins had been blogging updates for when her new line of Project Life products would be available, and once she said they were available, and mine arrived, it was so difficult not to start using everything right away!  I ordered the Core Kit: Cobalt line, which I think is more 'boy' themed.  I'm really loving the bright colors!!
Left side: I included a picture and an insert into the 3x4 sections; one thing I notice about the new PL journaling cards is they're a little taller than the 2011 cards.  I think if I had bought the newer PL sheets, they'd fit just fine, but I'm okay using up the sheets I have from last year.  (The sheets I use are Project Life: Design A, which are currently sold out, but you can find other design styles here)
Right side: more pictures and journaling.  I added a tag to the picture of my (exhausted) husband stealing a few minutes of sleep on the couch.  The tag was from a pair of Carter's p.j.'s that the boys got recently. I liked the color and font, and the fact that it was printed on a kraft-type paper.  LOVING the new journal card designs!!
Lastly, I did something new with my date card; I printed the date on the card.  (Print on regular paper, hold up the card to the window, and match it up against the printer paper).  I was going to use the date stamp I have from 2011's Project Life kit, but it looked like the scale was a little off-the stamp seemed to get swallowed up in all the space that the new cards have for the date.  I don't think I'll do this for every week this year, but I like the way it looks, and I'll just have to think of some new and creative ideas for 2012 dates!

Here's a look at the 2012 Project Life: Cobalt Core Kit (find it on here).  The boxes this year are really streamlined compared to last year, and they're packed with beautiful designs and all sorts of colorful, crafty goodness!
Best wishes for the new year!  Check back soon!

Project Life is a Becky Higgins' project for documenting your Everyday.  FInd out more information here.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Hello all!  Here (finally) is a scrapbook layout!  Turns out, it's tough to get any consistent scrapping done with 2 little ones running around, but I was able to this weekend!  On to the layout!
This is a 12x12 layout of my 2 -adorable- boys from sometime this summer (ignore the glare on the picture; I'm going to have to find somewhere to photograph these with better lighting).  The background paper is a textured creme card stock.  The squares are 2.5" x 2.5", and I chose the greens and blues on the squares to compliment the greens and blues of the picture.  The photograph is 4.5" x 4.5".  I thought having a square photo helped to accentuate the background squares.  I stitched around the perimeter of the squares 3 times to tie it all together.
Here's a close up of some of the embellishments on the left-hand side; just some stars I cut out of My Mind's Eye: Alphabet Soup-Boy embellishment sheet.  2 of the stars are adhered to the paper and the orange one is on a pop dot to give it some dimension.
Here's a close up of the title; October Afternoon's Cherry Hill Schoolroom Alpha collection.  I thought the colors coordinated nicely.
And a close up of the stitching.  I really like stitching on my layouts.  I think it adds a lot of texture and, in this instance, helps to unite a bunch of unrelated papers.

Thanks for looking and happy scrappin'!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Project Life: December 19-25, 2011 & 26-31, 2011

Hello all!  This is a double dose of Project Life, since I'm catching up from the Holidays!
First up: December 19-25 (Christmas week)
There were a bunch of Christmas-themed pictures for this week, but I tried to incorporate some of the other things that were going on...
For the title card, I used a picture (possibly my favorite of Robbie and me this year) with the date included in the bottom; a picture with a friend of mine's daughter (we did an early gift exchange) and a bunch of journaling.  The Tanglewood Festival of Lights was something we did this year that I want to make a new Christmas tradition.  Liam enjoyed seeing all the lights (he's been pointing them out ever since they've been put up around our neighborhood), but I think he enjoyed his Chicken Nugget Happy Meal and not having to sit in his car seat the most.
More pictures of family and journaling to explain our crazy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day schedules (Jacob was so tired out with all the visiting and playing on Christmas Eve, he snuggled up to aunt Ashley and was out for about an hour). I love that my boys get to spend so much time with their family.  I included a delivery receipt from lunch that my sister and I had on Friday, since she was hanging out with me at my office.

Project Life: December 26-31
Lots of journaling this final week of 2011...
There's a close-up picture of Liam's new favorite toys from his grandpa and an explanation about how he plays with them, Jacob in his new p.j.'s, and some details about some projects we and my mom have been working on.
A picture of my mom, sister and me and some information about a rare Girls' Day out which was so much fun.  On this right side, I included the ticket stub (far right) from the movie I went with my friend to see on Friday night, and (far left) an Instagram photo (cropped to 2.5" x 2.5") of Liam in Time Out, along with some text about the evolution of Time Out at our house.  I mention this insert to point out, Instagram specifically -not the unfortunate necessity of Time Out in our house :-( .  Instagram is available as an iPhone app and is!  I'm not sure if it's available on other smart phone systems, but if you have an iPhone (or another phone it's available on), give it a try!  It's a lot of fun and adds a lot to your photos!
So with the completion of Dec. 26-31, I have officially completed Project Life 2011!  This is a look at my cover page.  A lot of the cover pages I've seen have already been done for 2012, but I like for mine to be a 'work in progress' over the span of the year.  I like photos showing the growth of my family over the course of the year, and it's fun to go back, sometime in December, and start picking out my favorite pictures of the year.
For my 'Family' card, I used the back of one of the journaling cards (so it would be plain white) and used an old rub-on for 'Family' and some Basic Grey Scrarlet's Letter Alphabet Letters for '2011' (I used lower case i's for the 1's, since the pack only comes with one 1).  Then I just wrote our family members' names across the bottom.  I really like the way it turned out!
So, as part of your New Year's Resolutions, why not do a Project Life?!  It can be whatever you want it to be...if you want to use it instead of traditional scrapbooking, or like me, in place of traditional scrapbooking for just a little while, while you figure out where you'll find the time for traditional scrapbooking; it's totally up to you, and it's a fun way to document each week-the exciting ones, the slow ones, and the ones you don't want to forget.  Happy 2012 everyone-I hope it's your best year yet!
Check out more information here.